Farewell on Insta?

“Thanks to everyone!” What’s next for Arnautovic?

23.05.2024 20:22

Will Marko Arnautovic stay at Inter Milan? This is not only the subject of speculation in Italy. The Milanese are said to be on the lookout for new and younger alternatives at striker in the summer. However, the 35-year-old Austrian is valued for his experience and his positive influence on the team's chemistry. He recently sent an emotional message on Instagram.

"A dream! When I first played for Inter 14 years ago, I always wanted to come back and play in front of you at the San Siro! My dream has come true and I couldn't have done it with a better group of players," the Austrian recently posted on Instagram. He then thanked the players, officials and fans. Was it an emotional farewell message?

When Inter signed Arnautovic from Bologna for around ten million euros last summer, the hopes placed in him were high. After all, the Austrian had proven at the league rivals that he was capable of delivering strong performances even at an advanced age. However, he was never able to fully live up to expectations.

Also slowed down by injuries, he got less playing time than he and the club had expected, despite his previously known role as a wild card. He has played just under 1,100 minutes for the "Nerazzurri" in competitive matches this season. His tally: five goals and three assists.

Young striker to come
At the same time, it was noticeable that Arnautovic had missed a number of big chances recently. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by those responsible at Inter. Speculation about his future began at the end of April. Because, that much is already certain, the Italian champions want to broaden their attacking options. Mehdi Taremi from FC Porto is expected to put additional pressure on Marcus Thuram and Lautaro Martinez.

In addition, a younger striker is set to join the squad for the future. Icelandic player Albert Gudmundsson, who is under contract with Genoa, is on the wish list of Inters coach Simone Inzaghi. However, Bologna youngster Joshua Zirkzee is also an interesting option.

Important for the team
Meanwhile, Alexis Sanchez is likely to leave Milan, which is why the "Gazzetta dello Sport" reports that they are now thinking carefully about Arnautovic. Although more was expected of the striker in his first season on the pitch, his influence on the team is probably all the greater. His experience and his interaction with his team-mates would ensure a good team chemistry.

The 35-year-old always has a good word for his teammates and always knows how to comfort them. It is therefore quite possible that they would like to keep Arnautovic for another season and plan to use him as a fifth option up front. It remains to be seen how much playing time the Austrian will be given. However, he would be rewarded with a substantial salary.

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