At the 24th Schafberglauf

At 91 years old, he wants to conquer 1188 meters of altitude

23.05.2024 16:06

Three runners over the age of 80 are taking part in the 24th Schafbergtrail on Saturday. One of them was born in 1933 and still has a long way to go! Josy Simon, former member of the Luxembourg parliament and now living on Lake Wolfgangsee, explains the secret that keeps him forever young!

The spice is often in the brevity! This was also the case at the 24th Schafberglauf. Although it is only 7.2 kilometers long, it is peppered with a crisp 1188 meters of altitude.

"As an athlete, you have to be in top form to master the steep mountain run," says co-organizer Franz Sperrer, who is expecting a duel between 10 km national champion Jürgen Aigner and four-time Schafberg champion Daniel Rohringer in the men's race on Saturday (4 pm). This year, it will not only be extremely exciting at the top, but also in the over 80 age group!

"All trophies finally awarded!"
The 24th edition is experiencing a real renaissance, with three men competing for the first time! "I'm very pleased about that, for the first time we can award all three trophies in this class," says Sperrer. In addition to Jürgen Bettinazzi (81) from Vorarlberg, there are two true veterans on the start list!

No alcohol as a success!
With starting number 114, 86-year-old Hans Weber, who is one of the best runners in his age group and a multiple world champion, will tackle the ordeal up the Schafberg. In 2023, the warhorse from the LCAV Jodl Packging Team took around 1.5 hours. Josy Simon is unlikely to achieve this time again, but his entry is a real sensation. Born in Luxembourg and now living on Lake Wolfgang, he is already 91 (!) years old and in absolute top form.

He recently proved this at the Luxembourg Half Marathon with a time under three hours. "I've never smoked or drunk alcohol," the former member of the Luxembourg parliament told the Krone a year ago, revealing the secret of his 100-kilometre world record in 2013.

In 2023 he had three broken ribs
"In 2023, he still had three broken ribs and shingles. Now he's attacking the Schafberg again. I take my hat off," says Sperrer about the young at heart, who himself says: "I'll stay in the sport for a few more years!"

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read the original article here.

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