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Ryanair comeback: From Linz to London from October

22.05.2024 09:47

Now it's official: after a six-year "break", Europe's cheapest airline, Ryanair, will once again be flying from London-Stansted to the Upper Austrian capital from the fall. From October 28, there will be two flights a week there and back. "We are delighted to be able to revive the location," says Ryanair spokesman and Laudamotion CEO Andreas Gruber.

Alongside Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna, Linz will be the fourth Austrian airport to be served by Ryanair from the winter flight schedule. While capacities are stagnating throughout Europe, the Irish discount airline wants to continue to grow and carry 300 million passengers a year by 2034.

"Alternative to inflated Lufthansa prices"
"As Europe's No. 1 airline, we are delighted to announce our new flights at Linz Airport this winter with four flights per week (two return flights each) on our London-Stansted route from October 28. We are thus offering low prices and better connections to residents and visitors who previously had no alternative to Lufthansa's inflated fares," emphasizes Andreas Gruber. It is expected that 14,000 passengers will use the route in the first year. The route is expected to operate on Mondays and Fridays. Incidentally, Gruber is not ruling out further destinations: "We normally fly to several destinations from each airport, but we want to start now in the quieter season and then we'll see in 2025."

"We hope that the route will prove its worth"
It is clear that Airport Managing Director Norbert Draskovits is also happy: "With London-Stansted, we can offer the Upper Austrian market an interesting city destination and are also connected to one of the largest European travel markets. We hope that the route will prove its worth and that we can talk to Ryanair about expanding our cooperation in the future."

Flights bookable from 29.99 euros until May 29
To celebrate the arrival of Ryanair at Linz Airport, the airline has launched a limited-time seat sale with fares from EUR 29.99, which can be booked until May 29 and are only available via the Ryanair app/website.

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