With 11teamsports

Academy Camps turn soccer into a vacation highlight!

21.05.2024 13:44

Fun, exercise and enthusiasm - the 11teamsports Academy Camps turn the vacations into a soccer highlight for kids and teenagers aged 5 to 15! With exciting challenges and professional training, the kids immerse themselves in the soccer cosmos of 11teamsports and Nike!

Developed and designed by professionals, camp participants at the 11teamsports Academy Camps learn the values of the sport in a fun way, receive tips and tricks for physical and mental strength and are introduced to a healthy diet suitable for children.

(Bild: 11teamsports Academy)

A really good time for children
Sounds dry at first? It's not at all. Fun and a positive atmosphere are the most important things at the 11teamsports Academy camps. Based on the pillars of soccer training, fitness training, mental training, nutrition and social responsibility, children and young people have a really good time at the 11teamsports Academy soccer vacation camps and, at best, take something away with them for life.

(Bild: 11teamsports Academy)

The soccer training follows the newly developed game forms with small goals and lots of ball contact, which guarantees moments of success and enjoyment. Of course, the equipment from Nike with jersey, shorts, socks, soccer and water bottle is just as important as a soccer fun unit with very special training event modules. In the Megadribbler course, everyone can prove their ball skills and win great prizes as part of an Austria-wide competition. A final tournament provides the crowning glory at the end of the camp.

Exercises also make children mentally fit
A healthy lunch, fresh fruit, snacks and plenty of drinks are provided every day. Exercises specially developed for children to boost their self-confidence, among other things, also get the kids fit in the head. Handouts with tips and tricks on athletic and mental training as well as nutrition after the camp reinforce what has been learned in everyday life.

(Bild: 11teamsports Academy)

If you want your child to be well looked after during the vacations and have a really good time, you should register quickly for one of the Academy Camps in Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol or Vorarlberg. All information and registration can be found HERE!

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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