Gallery tour

Pen and ink drawing between dream and reality

16.04.2024 18:00

Pen and ink drawing is one of the declining art techniques. Anna Maria Brandstätter continues to develop it for today's world. The Galerie in der Schmiede in Pasching is presenting a large exhibition of works by the artist, who is at home in Strudengau.

"I am interested in translating my world into another language," says Anna Maria Brandstätter. The artist, a graduate of Linz University of Art, is considered an interesting draughtswoman, and what's more, she has updated the art of pen and ink drawing for today. Using the finest ink lines, she develops spherical pictorial spaces that appear orderly and at the same time follow inner dynamics.

In magical light
The exhibition at the Galerie in der Schmiede in Pasching is called "Good Morning Magic Sunshine" (until May 17). Here, atmospheric impressions of nature resonate, which Brandstätter processes into series that are located on the fine line between reality and fantasy.

A painting trip to the Costa de la Luz in Andalusia brought new colors and forms into play. One discovers dense structures that look like tactile surfaces, but also poetic compositions with motifs from fauna and flora.

Romanesque church windows as inspiration
In the "Medaillon" series, Brandstätter chooses the circle as the boundary for her pen and ink drawings. However, the inspiration for this form lies in her immediate surroundings. She took a close look at the late Romanesque Margareten window in Ardagger Abbey, but places nature at the center, with ornamental forms reminiscent of inlays. An interesting signal of the art of drawing!

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