Without a bad bunny?

Model Kendall Jenner only travels with Gucci

15.04.2024 08:00

Kendall Jenner prefers to travel with Gucci suitcases - but probably not too fond of traveling with Bad Bunny anymore. Because while the two made their love official in the Gucci Valigeria campaign last fall - cute cuddly pictures included - the two now apparently only travel separately.

Although Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny have been announced as the "new faces of Gucci Valigeria" by the luxury fashion house, there are no campaign photos of the model and the rapper together. Rather, the two now seem to prefer to travel separately.

Gucci lets Jenner and Bad Bunny travel solo
So has the love comeback failed? Shortly before Christmas, it was reported that Jenner and Bad Bunny had split up. After the turn of the year, however, it was rumored that the two had gotten back together.

However, the love speculation surrounding the celebrity (ex) couple does not detract from the glamor factor of the new Gucci Valigeria campaign.

"Shot down" at the airport
Wearing cool looks and always carrying the luxurious Gucci suitcases and travel bags from the Gucci Savoy line, Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny were "shot down" at the airport by photographer Anthony Seklaoui.

According to Gucci, they wanted to capture and revive the 90s jet-set life of the stars in the new campaign.

The new collection is also characterized by a combination of traditional design elements such as the iconic GG monogram and/or the woven stripe. It also introduces novel designs that not only feature fluorescent leather details but are also made from GG-embossed rubberized leather.

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