Evaporation remains

Water level at Lake Neusiedl in the green zone

08.04.2024 11:10

The early summer weather attracted the first swimmers to Lake Neusiedl at the weekend. In recent years it has often made headlines due to its low water level, but this year at least the initial results are good. The water level is higher than last year, but evaporation is now taking place throughout the year.

Mud in the bays, dried-up lagoons, dead fish and dying reeds. Because of all this, the steppe lake regularly makes the headlines - especially in summer. It is no secret that the water at the edges of Lake Neusiedl is receding more and more.

However, the water situation should be good at the moment, as Harald Grabenhofer from the Lake Neusiedl-Seewinkel National Park says. However, the mild temperatures and strong winds mean that evaporation now takes place almost all year round, says Grabenhofer, referring to climate change. In order to adapt to this, it is important to keep the water in the region.

Project launched
Wind and high temperatures cause the lake to lose water due to heavy evaporation. This doesn't just happen in the summer months: "Climate change is increasing evaporation and it even takes place in winter when there are no sub-zero temperatures," explained Grabenhofer.

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Due to climate change, evaporation is increasing and even takes place in winter when there are no sub-zero temperatures.

Harald Grabenhofer, Nationalpark Neusiedler See-Seewinkel

In order to stop the loss of water in the Burgenland lake, there are numerous experts who all want to know what to do. Some want to let the lake dry out and let it recede on its own, while others want to pump in water from the Einser Canal or the Hungarian Danube. The "LIFE Pannonic Salt" project was recently launched to help retain water and raise the groundwater level.

Higher water level this year
As far as Lake Neusiedl is concerned, it currently stands at 115.41 meters above the Adriatic Sea, which is a good 40 centimeters more than in 2023. 17 centimeters short of the long-term average. The situation for waterfowl is therefore much better than last year. "We are looking forward to a hopefully successful breeding season," said Grabenhofer. From August, the region will once again be a resting place for migrating waterfowl and it is of course not yet possible to predict what the situation will look like then.

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