"Krone" column

Dog prankster

23.03.2024 06:30

The terrible rampage at Prague University, which claimed 14 lives and caused a shock just before Christmas, may have long since faded like another shadow in our times of dark news. But for the students affected, the horror, fear and grief are still omnipresent and tangible.

The scene of the crime, the main building of the Faculty of Arts, was closed for a long time. And even when the doors reopened, many found it difficult to return. If only there hadn't been a spark of joy - and that's what "Snow" radiated.

"Snow" is a Bernese mountain dog, a trained school companion who stood by the students on their difficult path back to everyday life, as the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" reported in a touching story. Like 19-year-old Katharina, for example, who lost nine fellow students in the rampage. Many friends are still struggling with their injuries today. "When I see 'Snow', when I stroke her, I forget everything."

Only recently, a study proved what dog owners have long known: Dogs are good for the psyche. Just making eye contact can be enough to increase the release of the feel-good hormone oxytocin, while contact with their soft, warm fur reduces anxiety and stress.

So when you stroke dogs, you are also stroking your own soul. What a superpower in these dark times!

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