Bregenz railroad station

State capital settles on 4a variant

22.03.2024 14:01

The city of Bregenz is one step further in terms of district development: small station building, road layout along the tracks. Underground solution for railroad tracks being examined by working group.

Slowly but surely, the new plans for Bregenz railroad station and the adjoining districts are taking shape. The city council has decided on the so-called 4a variant. This means that the new station will be built where the old one is - albeit in a much smaller version. According to Mayor Michael Ritsch (SPÖ), the building will then only consist of a hall for ticket sales and the necessary ancillary rooms. A spacious underpass will create a connection to the festival site. In addition, the L 202 will be relocated parallel to the railroad line and the S-curve will be removed.

So much for the rough concept; further details are now being worked out. Meanwhile, planning for an underfloor solution for the railroad extension is progressing. The first meeting of a dedicated working group will take place in April, Ritsch informed "Krone" in response to a query, and the best option is being sought. These considerations are unaffected by the construction of the new station, as an underground solution under the existing tracks would involve a tunnel around 25 meters deep. For comparison: the U1 subway line in Vienna whizzes along under St. Stephen's Cathedral at a depth of 50 meters.

"Underground" is the most important thing
Escalators would therefore lead from the new station to the tracks. Another variant envisages moving the tracks into the Pfänder Tunnel. This also has advantages and disadvantages. Ritsch himself does not have a favorite option - his motto is "the main thing is underfloor".

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