Upper Austria

Animals in search of a good home

22.03.2024 17:30

Not all pets are lucky enough to grow up in a safe environment. Here we present some animals with whom fate has not been so kind. They can be adopted by animal welfare organizations.

Kurti - the friendly one

Kurti has already undergone surgery for a slipped disc and now uses his wheelchair to help him on long walks. He can also walk short distances without it. The six-year-old mongrel likes other dogs and also gets along with cats. Phone: 0664/5415079.

Carlos - the lonely one

Carlos (1 year old) was an unsolicited gift, which is why he quickly ended up at the animal shelter. We are now looking for a species-appropriate home for the bird where there are other budgies. Phone: 0732/247887.

Rocco - the strong one

Rocco had an accident in which the four-year-old mongrel lost his sight forever. He copes well with his blindness, but longs for sensitive people who can give him some help in everyday life. Phone: 0664/5415079.

Lilo and Kiwi - an unbeatable duo

Lilo is looking for a good home together with his girlfriend Kiwi (both 3 1/2 years old). The velvet paws would like the opportunity to go outside again. Due to bladder stones they need special food. Phone: 0732/247887.

Sacharja - the restless one

Because his partner died, lion-headed ram rabbit Sacharja ended up back at the animal shelter. Now the long-eared rabbit is hoping for a place where there is already a female rabbit. Phone: 0732/247887.

Nelly - the whirlwind

The seven-year-old American Staffordshire Terrier Nelly may have a petite build, but she has the power of an athlete. What the little savage lacks at the shelter is peace and quiet and a much-needed opportunity to relax. Nelly loves to learn and should go to an owner who enjoys exercise and is experienced with the breed. Phone: 0732/247887.

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