After trial testimony

Boeing whistleblower found dead in car

12.03.2024 11:57

A retired employee of the aircraft manufacturer Boeing, who had drawn attention to worrying production standards, has now been found dead in his truck in a hotel parking lot. A few days ago, whistleblower John Barnett testified at a trial against the US company.

Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, seven of which he supervised the quality of production of the aircraft manufacturer's 787 Dreamliner. A few years after his retirement for health reasons, he revealed that some of the employees were under a lot of pressure - and therefore parts were installed in Boeing aircraft that did not meet the standards.

In some cases, inferior parts had even been fished out of scrap containers to be installed in airplanes - in order to prevent delays in production. He had drawn his bosses' attention to these abuses, but they had not taken any action.

Allegation: one in four oxygen masks defective
His criticism of the oxygen system was also shocking: in an emergency, one in four breathing masks would not work, Barnett explained. The company denied the allegations - however, following investigations, the US Federal Aviation Administration found that some of the criticisms were true.

The whistleblower also took action against Boeing on personal grounds. The accusation was that the company had denigrated him and hindered his career. This was also denied - the case recently ended up in court and Barnett was questioned about it during a trial just a few days before his death.

Died of a "self-inflicted wound"
Another questioning was scheduled for Saturday - but the 62-year-old did not appear in court. When a search was made for Barnett at his hotel, his body was found in his vehicle in the parking lot. The BBC reported that he had died of a "self-inflicted wound".

Boeing issued a statement after Barnett's death: "We are saddened by the death of Mr. Barnett and our thoughts are with his family and friends."

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