The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger is for a change of scenery

09.03.2024 05:45

How I manage to use even a short trip as a holistic time-out. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

It is very important for me to take time out from time to time. For me, it's not just about "not working", but first and foremost about changing my environment. The proverbial change of scenery immediately provides relaxation on the one hand and new inspiration on the other.

As a self-employed "working mom", I don't have regular vacations, so I prefer to take advantage of upcoming business appointments or work trips to add a day or two and explore the surrounding area or the next city. Even if it often only ends up being a few hours or a day that I can use for myself without planning, it's brilliant.

Conversations with other people
In addition to the new ideas that often come to me, it's mainly the people you meet along the way. On the plane or train, you spend time with random people sitting next to you and this often leads to interesting conversations - and often new contacts. For me, the journey is the destination.

On one of my last trips, I managed to break away from a project that had really got a grip on me up until then. I was able to release it above the clouds, so to speak.

As I type these lines, I am on my way back from Stuttgart and when I close my eyes, I can feel the vibe of the city and the people I met. I will draw on these powerful memories until the next time out!

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