Citizens' list wants garbage can

Waste paper is causing a stir in the country

06.03.2024 06:00

In only two municipalities is waste paper not collected from the doorstep. In Riedlingsdorf, the citizens' list is making an attempt and is battling headwinds from the municipal leadership.

Garbage can open, waste paper in, garbage can closed: you would think that no Burgenlander would be spared a trip to the waste paper garbage can. Wrong, because not every household in Riedlingsdorf and Loipersbach has one. Here, waste paper is disposed of via a central waste collection point in the village.

Village as a pilot municipality
Riedlingsdorf was even a pilot municipality for this in the 1990s, and even today citizens still have the opportunity to dispose of their waste paper three times a week for two hours each time. However, the times of the central waste collection points have changed.

For all 171 municipalities in Burgenland, paper disposal is included in the statutory contribution that every household pays to the Burgenland Waste Association.

Municipal councillor Mario Schuh fights for the introduction of a waste paper garbage can in Riedlingsdorf (Bild: Carina Fenz)
Municipal councillor Mario Schuh fights for the introduction of a waste paper garbage can in Riedlingsdorf

Riedlingsdorf in favor of a garbage can
While Loipersbach wants to retain the historically established system, as Mayor Rainer Schneeberger (SPÖ) emphasizes, Riedlingsdorf wants to change this, at least if the Zwieflerliste (ZLR) has its way. In a survey conducted, 20 percent of households were questioned, 85 percent of which were in favor of introducing a waste paper garbage can, explains list leader Mario Schuh.

Municipal council as a hurdle
The next hurdle is now the local council, which is due to make a decision on the matter next week. "Why should the people of Riedlingsdorf pay for something they can't use. As a classic commuter community, it is also not possible for many people to drive to the collection point during opening hours," says Schuh, who is facing headwinds from Mayor Wilfried Bruckner (SPÖ) in this matter. "

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Why do you want to change a system that has worked for decades by hook or by crook?

Ortschef Bruckner übt Kritik

Introduction would take time
However, the decision will of course be left to the municipal council, said Bruckner. If the decision is made in favor of introducing a waste paper garbage can, it would take a few months to supply all households with garbage cans, according to the waste association.

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