Series at MCI

The future of Tyrolean energy

05.03.2024 13:00

Can we still manage the energy transition? What role can Tyrol play in this? And which "green" energy is the best? Experts from the energy sector met at the MCI in Innsbruck to exchange facts in front of an audience. 300 interested listeners and Governor Anton Mattle were present.

Energy transition - can we still do it?" This was the topic of four lectures recently held at the MCI as part of the "Technology & Life Sciences" forum. In addition to 300 interested listeners, Governor Anton Mattle (ÖVP) was also present. Alexander Speckle, Chief Construction Officer of Tiwag, emphasized that an isolated view of Tyrol in the European energy network was neither possible nor the goal of the European energy network.

"No energy is the best, we need everything"
In her presentation "Political goals and technical possibilities", MCI professor Angela Hofmann outlined various scenarios for achieving the energy transition by 2050. Hofmann summarized as follows: "Which technology is the best, that question doesn't even arise. We need all of them."

Hydrogen technology as an energy source
Why is that? Ideology-driven technologies cannot be the drivers of the energy transition, because every single renewable energy source is needed to make the energy transition a success. Martin Mühlbacher, Site Manager and Vice President Operations at INNIO Jenbacher, talked about intelligent motors with brains, a largely energy self-sufficient site and investments in hydrogen technology as an energy source and storage system. Max Kloger, Managing Director of Tiroler Rohre GmbH, emphasized the relevance of products that could not be manufactured without high energy input and would therefore not be available.

One example of this is cast iron. Kloger is clearly committed to Tyrol as a location and to the transformation of the regional energy transition, but points out that the cost increase will of course be felt in the price of the end product.

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