Court rules:

AfD youth is now “definitely extremist”

06.02.2024 14:30

The Cologne Administrative Court has classified the youth organization of the right-wing populist AfD party as "definitely extremist" (see video above). Previously, this was only a suspected case for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The AfD and its youth organization can still appeal against the decision.

The case had already begun in April 2023. At that time, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) announced that there were indications that the youth organization Junge Alternative (JA) was striving against the basic democratic order. As a result, the Junge Alternative is now classified and treated as a secured right-wing extremist organization. The AfD and its youth organization then sued, but the Cologne Administrative Court rejected the application.

Court: "Evidence is more solid"
"The actual indications of anti-constitutional aspirations have become more certain since the court's ruling of 8 March 2022, in which JA was classified as a suspected case," it said. The youth organization continues to represent a concept of ethnicity and descent, and the demand to exclude "ethnic foreigners" is a violation of human dignity. Asylum seekers are generally suspected and degraded, immigrants are "generally described as parasites and criminals (...)."

Another reason for the classification, according to the Cologne Administrative Court, is that the Federal Republic is equated with dictatorial regimes, "in particular the Nazi regime and the GDR". In addition, the Junge Alternative has links to organizations classified as anti-constitutional, such as the Identitarian Movement. The court's reasoning is 70 pages long.

Here you can see a tweet from Nancy Faeser.

Faeser: "Instruments work"
Following the ruling, Interior Minister Nany Faeser (SPD) praised the fact that the instruments of the rule of law were working. "Today's decision clearly shows that we are dealing with massive contempt for humanity, racism, hatred against Muslims and attacks on our democracy," she said on Tuesday. The decision is not yet legally binding.
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