Women's run in the Prater

Female EU candidates ran for votes

26.05.2024 13:53

Several female candidates for the EU elections worked up a sweat on Sunday while trying to get votes. The 36th Women's Run in the Vienna Prater turned into an election campaign event. Both the Green top candidate Lena Schilling and SPÖ runner-up Evelyn Regner took part.

Schilling completed the five kilometers in just over 32 minutes. "We are running because we want to set an example for a climate-friendly and equal Europe," said the Green. Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler came along to cheer her on.

Lena Schilling ran with other young women. (Bild: Karo Pernegger)
Lena Schilling ran with other young women.
Minister Gewessler supported Schilling. (Bild: Karo Pernegger)
Minister Gewessler supported Schilling.

Regner struck the gong
With around 280 women, the SPÖ Vienna team was the largest group at this year's Women's Run. They were supported by Mayor Michael Ludwig. During the event, EU candidate Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament, emphasized the need for a consistent European women's policy: "Europe is facing many challenges due to inflation, the climate crisis and the danger of the rise of right-wing forces. Women are particularly affected by this. All the more reason why we need a feminist, social Europe in which everyone has the chance of a good life."

SPÖ EU candidate Evelyn Regner has struck the gong. (Bild: Markus Sibrawa)
SPÖ EU candidate Evelyn Regner has struck the gong.

Ludwig, who was a spectator at the Women's Run, once again underlined Vienna's pioneering role in women's policy: "I am delighted that Vienna is once again the venue for the Austrian Women's Run. Vienna is the city of women and we are working tirelessly to ensure that all women in our city can live a good and self-determined life."

The SPÖ Vienna team at the Women's Run (Bild: Markus Sibrawa)
The SPÖ Vienna team at the Women's Run

More than 25,000 participants
More than 25,500 girls and women took part in the 36th edition of the ASICS Austrian Women's Run. The Vienna Samaritans have been providing the medical service since the beginning of the Women's Run in 1988 and once again ensured the safety of the participants this year. Four doctors and around 60 paramedics from the Samaritans were on site to provide medical care.

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