Reward offered

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24.05.2024 13:48

A young man, between 1.75 and 1.80 meters tall, dressed in black, armed and speaking Innviertel dialect is currently being sought by the police. The unknown perpetrator robbed a tobacconist's in Altheim (Upper Austria) on Friday morning, allegedly threatening the employee with a handgun, and the Chamber of Commerce has offered a 1000 euro reward for information.

The robbery happened at around 11.10 a.m. on Friday morning. An as yet unknown perpetrator stormed into a tobacconist's in Altheim, allegedly threatening the employee with a handgun and robbing her. It is not yet clear how much cash the man took.

Perpetrator about 22 years old
The robber then fled the scene. A manhunt is now underway. The police are looking for a young man, about 22 years old and between 1.75 and 1.80 meters tall.

The wanted man is described as slim and was wearing tight-fitting black clothing. He was masked with a headgear and a black cloth mask.

Further information: The wanted perpetrator is probably from Upper Austria, as he is said to have spoken in the Innviertel dialect.

1000 Euro reward offered
Unfortunately, the intensive search was unsuccessful. The 60-year-old victim suffered a shock but was not injured. The Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce has offered a prize of 1000 euros for information leading to the investigation of the crime and the identification of the perpetrator.

Information requested
Information, which will be treated confidentially, should be sent to the Upper Austrian State Office of Criminal Investigation on 059133/40-3333.

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