Star presenter for ORF

“F*** you”: verbal derailment at the ESC final

12.05.2024 14:28

German satirist Jan Böhmermann and his musician friend Olli Schulz once again took on the Song Contest this year and accompanied the final with hilarious commentary. During the scoring, the duo then made a verbal gaffe.

The two entertainers had their baptism of fire last year at the ESC in Liverpool. "The first feeling when we came out of the booth was: 'Dude, we're doing this again next year. This is so mega cool!", Böhmermann recalled in a press release from FM4.

No sooner said than done. This time, the booth space for the presenters was much worse, the two of them complained. But he was "very close to the Israeli delegation with 80 security guards". Everything was "full of cops in cool one-piece suits", they said enthusiastically.

Actually, they didn't want to get too political ...
Over the course of the evening, the two repeatedly emphasized that they "didn't want to get too political today". However, during the booing against the Israeli contribution, which was covered up by a filter on TV, they burst their collar: "People are booing because Israel is coming - f*** you, sorry. F*** yourselves honestly. F*** yourselves hard, you w***ers.

"ÖRR Antisemitism Watch" was impressed
The "ÖRR Antisemitismus Watch" account, which has set itself the task of proving alleged antisemitism on public broadcasters, was visibly impressed. "Olli Schulz found the right words at the moment when Israel was booed," it said on X (formerly Twitter).

"Olli Schulz good man 🤘", commented one user. "Did he really say that? Even though I don't approve of strong language, but in this case 👏👏👏👏", wrote another. Another user commented: "I usually don't like @janboehm that much. But after this I'll buy him a Coke and a bag of potato chips."

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read the original article here.
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