Election campaign in Vösendorf

Greens want to keep an eye on the mayor

24.04.2024 16:00

With Peter Köck, environmental councillor, at the helm, the Green Party enters the election campaign for the early municipal elections in Vösendorf. Transparency is one of the key demands.

The reasons for the early municipal elections in Vösendorf, district of Mödling, are even included in the Green Party's election program. As is well known, the early election on May 5 became necessary because the ÖVP local leader was involved in an affair involving a forged invoice and his parliamentary group - he himself did not resign - resigned their seats.

Control and climate protection
"Greater control of the mayor" is one of the central points of the Green election program, according to the Green top candidate Peter Köck. In addition, full transparency in the municipal administration and more citizen participation. In addition, the former local environmental councillor, who has a scientific background as a meteorologist, names typical ecological priorities: Promoting climate protection on the doorstep, promoting alternative energy such as geothermal energy and photovoltaics and expanding public transport and cycle paths. The green program for the future also includes a new youth center.

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There is a lot to do. We will use our strengths to make Vösendorf sustainably fit for the future and the climate.

Alexandra Wolfschütz, Ortsgruppensprecherin der Grünen

Coalition collapsed
The Greens have been politically active in Vösendorf for more than ten years. They have been represented on the municipal council with three seats since 2015. After the 2020 municipal elections, the Greens even held the position of deputy mayor before the coalition with the ÖVP mayor collapsed.

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