At 125 km/h

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13.04.2024 11:17

Instead of the permitted 100 km/h, he had 159 km/h on the speedometer and was promptly clocked: with a blood alcohol level of 1.28, a Romanian (27) sped away from the police on the A9 in Upper Austria, caused an accident next to the B140 and fled into the forest, where he was finally arrested.

The incident had already happened on Thursday from 3.45 p.m. in Micheldorf, but was only made public now: Highway patrol officers lasered the Romanian (27), who was speeding along the A9 at 159 km/h, the legal speed limit being 100 km/h. The police officers followed the fleeing driver with their blue lights and sirens flashing. The driver accelerated.

Disregarding various traffic regulations and with no consideration for other drivers, he left the highway in Klaus onto the B138 in the direction of Kirchdorf. A police officer tried to stop the car, but the fleeing driver ignored him.

Cyclist endangered
The accused continued his journey on the B140 and sped off the main carriageway at 125 km/h onto the narrow, unclear Steyrtal cycle path. In doing so, he seriously endangered oncoming cyclists. After about 1.5 kilometers, the lead foot had an accident and the police were able to catch up with the car.

When the officers arrived, the driver jumped out of the vehicle and ran off. He fled across the B140 and over the steep embankment through the forest. After a few hundred meters, he was apprehended by the two police officers.

Car was not registered for traffic
In the course of the investigation, it was established that the car, an Opel, was not registered for traffic. The license plates had been stolen during the night. In addition, the accused is suspected of having committed fuel fraud in Vienna with other suppressed license plates.

A breathalyzer test on the 27-year-old was positive: 1.28 per mille. After consultation with the public prosecutor's office in Steyr, the accused was taken to prison

Krone Oberösterreich
Krone Oberösterreich
00:00 / 00:00
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