Mercedes update

Can you find the most important change to the new EQS?

13.04.2024 11:00

The Mercedes EQS lags behind the conventional S-Class in terms of sales, probably not least because the electric saloon has so far exuded very little classic luxury flair. A comparatively small design intervention is now set to change this. In addition, the e-flagship is receiving a technology update almost three years after its market launch.

The most important visual change: the brand-typical star is moving from the radiator grille back onto the hood - in the upright form that was most recently reserved for the conventionally powered S-Class in the Mercedes portfolio. The extremely streamlined EQS thus gains significantly in contour and comes a little closer to the brand's classic luxury-class styling.

There are also some minor changes to the interior, such as galvanized chrome frames for the air vents on the B-pillar or an optional folding front passenger seat backrest to increase the space in the rear. In addition, there are now particularly comfortable executive seats, which should silence the previous criticism of a lack of business class comfort at the highest level.

Really long range
In the battery compartment below the passengers, the maximum energy content of the battery increases from 108.4 to 118 kWh, which ensures a noticeable increase in range for all variants. The most economical model, the EQS 450+, now has a range of up to 822 kilometers instead of the previous 780 kilometers - currently the record value on the Austrian market. At the same time, Mercedes has increased the towing capacity: instead of a manageable 750 kilograms, the luxury glider can now tow 1700 kilograms.

Further innovations concern the driver assistance systems. The adaptive cruise control now also masters automatic lane changes (on markets where this is permitted) and automatically overtakes vehicles driving slowly ahead. The prerequisites are a freeway with at least two lanes with recognizable lane markings and a speed of between 80 and 140 km/h.

Mercedes intends to keep prices at the current level; the basic version of the electric saloon is currently available for around 117,000 euros. The relatively extensive changes are intended to boost global demand for the prestige electric car from Stuttgart, which has so far probably fallen short of the Group's expectations. The readjustments come at the right time: in view of new challengers from China, competition in the electric luxury segment is likely to become even tougher in the future.
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