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Nehammer spoke on the phone with Egypt’s President

11.04.2024 19:08

Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) spoke on the phone with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday afternoon. They discussed the hostage deal with the Islamist Hamas. According to the Chancellery, an Austrian-Israeli dual national is still being held in the Gaza Strip.

"(...) It is of great concern to me (...) to campaign for the early release of Tal Shoham and to free him from the barbaric clutches and terror of Hamas. The aim of our efforts is to reach an agreement for a ceasefire that will make it possible to release the hostages on the one hand and bring more humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip on the other," said Chancellor Nehammer.

The Egyptian President is taking on a "valuable mediating role in this conflict." At the current stage of the negotiations, close coordination with all partners is required, said Nehammer. In the telephone conversation, al-Sisi also emphasized that he would continue to advocate a ceasefire, the release of all hostages and increased humanitarian aid.

Diplomat in Qatar and Israel
More than 100 hostages are said to still be held by the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. According to the Chancellery, Nehammer has sent his special advisor Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal to the Middle East several times. In recent days, he has been to Qatar and Israel in order to remain in contact with all parties.

Other topics of discussion were bilateral relations and economic cooperation, which are to be intensified. Nehammer also expressed his thanks for the hospitality he received during his last visit to Cairo on March 17, together with several EU heads of government and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
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