Crime scene: Kaprun

Two years in prison for a chalet burglar

09.04.2024 17:57

A Slovakian criminal tourist (31) struck six times in chalets and vacation apartments in Kaprun in January 2022, but left his DNA behind. Now he has to go to prison.

Judicial guards brought a Slovakian to the courtroom of Judge Gabriele Glatz on Tuesday. The charge was six burglaries in residences: in detail, it was mainly about second homes in Kaprun - i.e. visibly luxurious chalets and vacation apartments. Damage: 9000 euros. The defendant's criminal past was already apparent when his personal details were queried: 14 entries in the criminal record of his home country, twelve convictions in the Czech Republic. He had also already spent three years in a cell.

Loot carried on foot?

A DNA match led the officers to him, and he also admitted to the burglaries. He had financial problems, a difficult situation, the accused said. That's why he went on a burglary spree, stealing several electronic devices such as a television and Playstation, as well as 40 towels and several 0.2-liter bottles of champagne. The judge wanted to know how. "I was alone, on foot." Puzzled, she asked: "Did you carry the TV?" He answered in the affirmative and said that he had brought everything to Slovakia by train. But he couldn't say how much a train ticket to Bratislava cost.

The public prosecutor demanded unconditional imprisonment. Ms. Rat took a similar view and announced two years' imprisonment: "Burglaries in homes are particularly reprehensible," she concluded.

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