"Milestone achieved"

How the energy transition is to succeed by 2040

08.04.2024 14:15

Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) presented the final version of the "integrated" Austrian grid infrastructure plan (ÖNIP) on Monday. For the energy transition, "we not only need many wind and solar plants, but also stable electricity grids and hydrogen for industry", she said.

The plan regulates the necessary expansion of Austria's energy grids by 2030 and is intended to pave the way for a climate-neutral energy system by 2040.

"The publication of the ÖNIP marks a milestone for Austria's overall energy planning," says Gerhard Christiner, CEO of transmission system operator Austrian Power Grid (APG).

Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (GREENS) (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (GREENS)
APG Board Member Gerhard Christiner, Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (GREENS) and AGGM Board Member Bernhard Painz (Bild: APA/EVA MANHART)
APG Board Member Gerhard Christiner, Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (GREENS) and AGGM Board Member Bernhard Painz

The ÖNIP creates urgently needed investment security for the expansion of the grids because the plan has already undergone a strategic environmental assessment, which will speed up approval procedures for new plants.

The CEO of Austrian Gas Grid Management, Bernhard Painz, was also pleased with the publication of the plan, which takes into account the necessary expansion and conversion of both the electricity and gas grids across all sectors: "The ÖNIP emphasizes the need for a parallel infrastructure for hydrogen and methane so that the integration of biomethane and hydrogen into the energy system can progress."

Investments in the billions
APG plans to invest nine billion euros in the electricity grids by 2034, while the existing gas grid is to be upgraded for hydrogen by two billion euros by 2050.

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