Media analysis proves:

“Krone” – the newspaper of the Austrians

05.04.2024 06:00

Even if the challenges are getting bigger and bigger, and the swansongs are getting louder and louder: The traditional media in Austria are showing a strong sign of life. And the "Krone" is once again clearly setting the tone, as brand new data confirms.

The Media Analysis, which is jointly supported by all publishing houses and provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the domestic media world every six months on the basis of more than 15,000 interviews, published its 2023 analysis on Thursday - with particularly pleasing data for the "Krone".

More than 1.7 million readers per issue (Monday to Sunday)
According to the analysis, more than 1.7 million Austrians read the "Krone" every day - which means we reach almost a quarter of the Austrian population. All of our competitors are far behind, with reach only in the single-digit range (see chart above).

As the survey methodology was recently changed, the figures in the study for 2023 are not directly comparable with those from previous years and, above all, are not legally permissible. However, it is no secret that those who are more interested in the performance of the various print titles are welcome to take a look for themselves at You will come to some interesting conclusions - especially as far as the south of Austria is concerned ...

(Bild: Reinhard Holl)

Leader in several federal states
The strength of the "Krone" is above all a strength throughout Austria. We are clearly in first place in Lower Austria and Burgenland, and neck and neck in Vienna. Our position in Upper Austria, Salzburg, Carinthia and Styria is also excellent. In these two southern provinces, the "Krone" is now only a whisker behind the long-dominant "Kleine Zeitung" on Sundays.

The "Krone" can be particularly proud of its success on Sundays, as more than two million Austrians currently turn to our paper, including "Krone bunt".

Cross-media winner
However, we have long been much more than the "Kronen Zeitung". With a monthly reach of 45.2 percent (ÖWA February 2024), is the leader among online news portals. And the cross-media reach surveyed by Media-Analyse for the first time gives the "Krone" 2,169,000 readers every day!

This positive response from Austrians confirms that we are on the right track: the best, independent, human journalism - with a big "Krone" heart for the people of the country!

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