Also applies to blondies

Paris is now taking action against hairstyle discrimination

28.03.2024 16:23

France now wants to comprehensively combat discrimination against people based on their haircut or hairstyle. This does not just apply to certain ethnic groups who wear Afro haircuts, for example. Blonde women are also to be protected from prejudices.

Not being able to wear one's natural hair without restriction, whether as curls, in plaits or in an Afro look, impairs self-esteem and self-confidence, explained Olivier Serva, MP for the French overseas department of Guadeloupe, who introduced the initiative.

France's parliament has now approved a corresponding legislative initiative at first reading on Thursday. While the USA and Great Britain have long been taking action against discrimination on the basis of haircut and hairstyle, the problem is still being ignored in France, he argued.

(Bild: DimaBerlin -

Applies to cut, color, length and texture
The new law provides for explicit reference to "cut, color, length or texture of the hair" in legal passages against discrimination. Following parliamentary approval, the Senate must now approve the law.

In France, there is no clear legal framework for people who are discriminated against on the basis of their hair texture, color or style, the MP complained.

USA as a pioneer
In the USA, for example, the state of California passed a decree in 2019 to combat discrimination on the basis of hair color. Following this, 20 states and 30 cities in the USA passed similar laws. And in the UK, a commission recommended that Afro haircuts should not be banned in British schools.

There could be restrictions at work, for example. However, the legislative initiative does not only apply to ethnic groups. It would also protect blonde women, for example, some of whom dyed their hair darker in order to appear more intelligent in a professional context, according to a study in the UK.

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