After violent excesses:

Heated atmosphere at FPÖ demo in Favoriten

14.03.2024 20:45

Following the recent violence in Vienna, the FPÖ invited people to a protest against "Excessive violence, imported crime & a life of fear and terror!" on Thursday. was on site in Favoriten.

Mass rapes, a multiple murder, marauding gangs of youths - the suspected perpetrators often have a migration background. For the FPÖ, this is an indication that crime is getting out of hand.

Demo in Favoriten: Around 200 supporters responded to the call of the FPÖ Vienna. (Bild: Krone TV)
Demo in Favoriten: Around 200 supporters responded to the call of the FPÖ Vienna.
Around 200 supporters listened to the speeches of the Viennese FPÖ grandees around Dominik Nepp. (Bild: Krone TV)
Around 200 supporters listened to the speeches of the Viennese FPÖ grandees around Dominik Nepp.
The police were on site with a large contingent. (Bild: Krone TV)
The police were on site with a large contingent.
Opponents tried to disrupt the event. (Bild: Krone TV)
Opponents tried to disrupt the event.

"Crime got out of hand"
The Blue Party therefore recently requested a special session of the municipal council. This was rejected by the municipal administration due to "federal matters". The FPÖ raged and now invited people to a protest rally entitled "Demonstration against excesses of violence, imported crime and a life of fear and terror". The now traditional location of the rally - Favoriten. The demands: stricter access to social benefits and stricter checks on asylum eligibility.

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In Vienna, we must not pay out social benefits to everyone from day one. We also need to check more strictly whether there are any grounds for asylum at all. We also need to lower the age of criminal responsibility. And we quickly need 1500 more police officers for Vienna.

(Bild: Zwefo)

Wiens FPÖ-Chef Dominik Nepp 

Police quickly had skirmishes under control
Around 200 people responded to the call. The FPÖ supporters were joined by opponents. Although they were clearly in the minority, they made themselves heard loudly. "The atmosphere was emotional," said one participant. Towards the end of the two-hour event, there were minor skirmishes and verbal battles. However, the police quickly got the situation under control.

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