Brutal exorcism

17-year-old helped father murder family

19.02.2024 06:00

She was believed to be the victim of her father's exorcism mania. But the girl tortured her mother and brothers too.

She had been asleep in her bed when the carabinieri arrived. In the next room lay the bodies of her brothers, aged five and 16. Until a few hours ago, she had taken part in an insane exorcism together with her father Giovanni Barreca and two accomplices in order to free her mother and both siblings from demons. A brutal ritual of torture and beatings that ended in their deaths.

Family tortured to death
Under interrogation, the girl confessed: "At some point I realized that I didn't really want to continue. I didn't like it, but I didn't do anything to save my mother or my brothers."

It also came out that she had been texting with friends while torturing her mother.

Youngest son allegedly possessed by the devil
Father and daughter received help with the fanatical exorcism practices from two accomplices, Sabrina Fina and Massimo Carandente. They come from a sect that calls itself "Servants of God". They had been visiting regularly since the beginning of January at the request of the father of the family and were convinced that the youngest son in particular, who was very close to the mother, was possessed by the devil.

At some point, however, they would have gone from prayers to violent practices in the belief that only through pain could liberation be achieved. At this point, the mother resisted. That was her death sentence. The accomplices' lawyers resigned at the weekend.

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