Unclouded view

Win a Vorwerk Kobold VG100+ surface cleaner!

27.05.2024 09:00

The long-awaited early summer has finally arrived. However, the glorious rays of sunshine also mean that streaks and dirt on windows and smooth surfaces are particularly noticeable. In order to be able to enjoy the view of the summer unclouded, krone.at and Vorwerk are giving away a Kobold VG100+ surface cleaner!

With the smart 3-in-1 solution, three work steps are easily combined into one and the working time is reduced by half: The multi-talent moistens the surface, the microfiber cloth loosens the dirt and the rubber lip and suction nozzle remove the dirty water.

Cleanliness you can feel good about
The cordless Kobold VG100+ surface cleaner from Vorwerk is therefore perfect for windows, tiles, kitchen fronts, ceramic hobs and even shower walls. The Kobold surface cleaner is particularly economical, as 3-5 ml of cleaning concentrate and 80 ml of water are sufficient for a cleaning area of around 20 m2. And the results are impressive!

(Bild: Vorwerk)

Take part and win
See for yourself! We are giving away a Vorwerk Kobold VG100+ surface cleaner including charger, cleaning cloths and cleaning concentrate among our readers. Simply fill out the form below to take part. The closing date for entries is June 4, 2024, 9 a.m.

The competition is over, thank you for your participation!

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read the original article here.

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