Plastic band around neck

Husband of MEP Donato found dead

26.05.2024 11:15

Italy is puzzled by the death of businessman Angelo Onorato, husband of Italian MEP and deputy leader of the small Democrazia Cristiana party, Francesca Donato.

The 54-year-old architect was found dead in his car on Saturday afternoon in the Sicilian metropolis of Palermo, on a road parallel to the Palermo - Mazara del Vallo highway, where warehouses, businesses and several homes are located.

Autopsy ordered
The man was wearing a plastic band around his neck and blood stains were found on his shirt. According to the initial examination of the body by the coroner, the businessman is believed to have suffocated. It is unclear whether this was the fault of a third party. The public prosecutor's office in Palermo opened an investigation and an autopsy was ordered.

"They killed my husband", said the MEP. She had been elected as an MEP for the Lega in 2019, then left Matteo Salvini's grouping and switched to the Christian Democrats. Two years ago, she ran unsuccessfully for the position of mayor of Palermo. The EU parliamentarian was questioned by the investigators for a long time.

Car located with GPS
According to initial reports, Francesca Donato and her daughter Carolina found the body. The two women had not heard from the entrepreneur for several hours and were able to locate his car using the GPS on their cell phones. They were the first to arrive at the scene and discover the body, according to a witness who saw the two women screaming at the open car door and recognized the MEP.

The financial situation of the businessman is being investigated. Friends of the family report that he has recently made investments to expand his business and secure a larger market share. Francesca Donato married Angelo Onorato in 1999. They celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on April 24.

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