Recovering from surgery

First photos of Kate emerge after weeks

04.03.2024 22:28

The anxiety among Royal fans has grown immeasurably in recent weeks: Because there was no sign of life from Princess Kate for a long time after her operation, many were worried. Most recently, Buckingham Palace announced in mid-January that Kate was recovering and would not be attending any appointments until after Easter. The latest photos have now emerged.

The pictures, published by the US website TMZ, show Kate wearing sunglasses in the passenger seat of an Audi, driven by her mother Carole Middleton (69). The two were traveling near Windsor Castle. The photos were taken by unauthorized paparazzi, according to the British news agency PA.

"Staff shortage" in the royal family
For many, the photos show that the 42-year-old Princess of Wales is recovering well from her abdominal surgery. Kate has not been seen in public since her release from hospital at the end of January. Her last official appearance was on Christmas Day last year.

According to the palace, she will not be seen in public until at least the beginning of April and her father-in-law King Charles III , who is suffering from cancer, is also absent, meaning that the British monarchy is suffering from a "lack of staff".

Without Charles and Kate, there are hardly any royals attending appointments. Queen Camilla (76) and her sister-in-law Princess Anne (73) are among them, as is Prince William. Then it's almost time for the second row, with Charles' youngest brother Prince Edward and his wife Duchess Sophie (both 59).

Camilla soon to go on vacation
Camilla in particular has recently had far more appointments than were actually in her calendar, reported the Sun. But the Queen also needs to relax. She will soon be setting off on a vacation abroad, the newspaper reported. However, this leads to new worries. Royals expert Ingrid Seward told The Sun: "This will raise the question of who is in charge at such a crucial time when so many important royals are out of action."

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