City cracks down

School becomes a high-security wing after gunshots

29.02.2024 16:50

Fence, sliding gate and new locking system: the city is reacting to the recent incidents at the Diesterweg School. As reported, shots were fired at the educational facility in Linz's Khevenhüllerstraße on several nights around two weeks ago.

The safety of the children has top priority", emphasized Klaus Luger, head of the Social Democratic Party of the City of Linz, when he spoke to the "Krone" newspaper almost two weeks ago about the more than disturbing "Wild West" incidents around the Diesterweg School.

Fired at windows
As reported, unknown persons had fired a rifle-like weapon or a slingshot with iron balls at windows of the educational institution several times during the night. Even though fortunately only property damage was caused, the mayor of Linz promised to take immediate action.

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Structural measures will be taken as soon as possible to make it more difficult for people from outside the school to enter the grounds.

Dietmar Prammer, SP-Stadtrat für Schulwesen

Sliding gate and additional fence
Which is what happens now: Following an on-site inspection, the city, as the school's landlord, is implementing a series of security measures to improve the situation and increase the feeling of safety among pupils, parents, teaching and administrative staff. For example, the entrance on Krankenhausstrasse is being fitted with an electric sliding gate. In the area of the after-school care center on Khevenhüllerstraße, an additional fence is being built to prevent recurring damage to property and to avoid soiling caused by previously easy access.

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Linz's schools are not only a place of knowledge transfer, they must also be places of security.

Michael Raml, FP-Sicherheitsstadtrat

Entrance security, but no cameras
In future, the main entrance to the school from Khevenhüllerstraße will also be secured by a special locking system. However, Luger's announcement of video surveillance, which would not only have helped to catch possible perpetrators but would also have had a deterrent effect, has probably been abandoned.

"We are happy"
Secondary school principal Michael Haas nevertheless breathes a sigh of relief: "We are pleased that measures are now being taken to provide our pupils with an appealing and safe learning and living environment. School should be a place of togetherness, knowledge transfer and fun."

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