The "crown" in the village

A small village on the once busy border

26.05.2024 14:12

Unterthörl has been on a trade route since Roman times. This year, the village is celebrating 100 years of belonging to Austria.

The red line marks where Italy ends and Austria begins. Today, there is a sense of emptiness and loneliness in the small village of Unterthörl, which begins right there. The antique store right by the road looks a little run-down. "It would be good to breathe some life back into this beautiful area," says Veronika Fatzi. The hairdresser is 72 years old and still works: "People already know that when the Smart or the Ape is at the door, they'll get a haircut."

Around 150 people - the oldest resident is 103 years old - live on the once busy trading route. "All hell used to break loose here. There were guest rooms in every house, lots of pubs, stores, a few petrol stations, the post office - everything was buzzing," says Diana Erat, who invites people on cultural walks. She is also the owner of a 200-year-old house, where a Greißlermuseum now attracts tourists. Erat: "The museum has now become an attraction, a place for events, guided tours and meetings."

Small but mighty!
Behind the mighty house, an ancient lime tree guards the Heroes' Chapel. Erat: "Our village may be tiny, but there is a lot to see. Since the highway opened 35 years ago, the hustle and bustle is over," says Erat. It is slowly becoming apparent that the village is becoming a center for cycle tourists - hundreds cycle through when the weather is nice.

Police officer Patrick Fina (35) is also a passionate wine and cellar keeper. He looks after 1000 vines: "These are new types of Cabernet, for red and white wine lovers."

Wine has been cultivated in Unterthörl, Oberthörl and Thörl since the 15th century. "We have been creating a new meeting place and good wine since 2019," says Fina's brother Christian. There are also several clubs in the village. And in the fall, "100 years of Thörl near Austria" will be celebrated on the border

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