Allocation Vorarlberg

Who has a heart and space for these little animals?

23.05.2024 11:45

The animal corner presents the protégés of the week from the Vorarlberg animal shelter: Balou (2) is looking for a loving home without cats and small animals. The lively Spitz loves to explore the world on long walks or hikes.

Paul (8) is looking for a home where he can go outside later. (Bild: Tierschutzheim Vorarlberg)
Paul (8) is looking for a home where he can go outside later.

Paul (8), a little shy at first, is looking for a home where he can go outside later. The handsome tomcat is looking for people who will give him the time he needs to gain confidence.

The Great Dane Skadi (Bild: Tierschutzheim Vorarlberg)
The Great Dane Skadi

Skadi (2) is a bright, active and very clever dog. She loves attention from people and is very cuddly. Sufficient activity and training is very important for a relaxed life together. Skadi is looking forward to an experienced and responsible family. The young Great Dane does not cope well with stress. She is easily stressed on the lead by other dogs and anything that moves quickly. We are therefore looking for someone with sufficient strength, patience and stamina.

Tomcat Biso (Bild: Tierschutzheim Vorarlberg)
Tomcat Biso

The lively tomcat Biso (1) is looking for a new home where he can later go outside. The cheeky boy is already looking forward to meeting you.

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