Election analysis with a difference

“Innsbruckers, you don’t deserve it”

15.04.2024 15:53

After just one term, the "Gerechtes Innsbruck" list with its eloquent lead candidate Gerald Depaoli was kicked out of the municipal council again. In the election on Sunday, they failed to clear the four percent hurdle. That evening, Depaoli got carried away with a curious "election analysis" on Facebook.

The "Liste Gerald Depaoli - Gerechtes Innsbruck - Die Unbestechlichen" achieved 3.5 percent in Sunday's election. Too little to remain in the municipal council. For the group, the result was "disappointing, because we have worked hard for six years now", said Depaoli at the beginning of the video posted on Facebook.

Shortly before the election result was announced, Depaoli was still having a good laugh. (Bild: Christof Birbaumer)
Shortly before the election result was announced, Depaoli was still having a good laugh.

"Unfortunately, it was not rewarded"
And then the former mandatary went into a rage. He had been able to help many people. "Unfortunately, it wasn't rewarded. I don't thank those who pat us on the back the whole year and say: 'You're the best, we need you', and then, when it comes to the election, either vote for the wrong people or stay fresh at home."

"Handshake quality, down-to-earth and rustic"
They tried everything, gave more than 100 percent and invested a lot of free time. "But the people of Innsbruck obviously don't want it, I would even say: Dear Innsbruckers, you have us, people like us, with handshake quality, down-to-earth and rustic, you don't deserve us at all," Depaoli ranted.

"Extra-parliamentary opposition"
On the evening of the election, Depaoli left it open as to whether and how things would continue with "Just Innsbruck". On Monday, it was then stated in a press release: "Just Innsbruck will continue to exist, even if we, as an extra-parliamentary opposition, will not have the right to submit motions or questions in the coming years." Depaoli concluded by saying that they feel "indebted to the people of Innsbruck who have placed their trust in us".

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