Mega plans revealed

Why Stefan Raab is really getting into the boxing ring

04.04.2024 15:04

Stefan Raab is coming back - and how! On Easter Monday, the entertainer, who retired from the public eye nine years ago, announced that he would be boxing against Regina Halmich once again. The "Bild" newspaper has now found out: That's why the 57-year-old is really getting into the ring!

Stefan Raab's Instagram comeback caused the wildest speculation for days. Is his announcement "to do something again" just an April Fool's joke, or will the entertainer actually get into the ring?

Boxing match against Halmich - and a big plan behind it
Then, on Tuesday, the answer. Yes, Raab will compete against Regina Halmich for a third time. But as "Bild" now claims to have discovered, there is much more behind the fight.

It is said that Raab is planning a major attack on the established TV world. According to the report, the entertainer is planning his own streaming service aimed specifically at cell phone users. Instead of the classic landscape format, Raab's content will be produced in portrait format for cell phones. Apparently, the entertainer has already checked with production companies to see whether his plans can be implemented to a high standard.

Streaming revolution à la Raab?
Launch date of the new Raab channel? Possibly September 14, the day on which the fight between Raab and Halmich is scheduled to take place. Three to four million people could then watch - a truly bombastic start for a new streaming offensive à la Stefan Raab, which could also revolutionize the television landscape.

It will be the third clash between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich. On September 14, the entertainer will venture back into the ring - for good reason! (Bild: APA/dpa/A3508 Rolf Vennenbernd)
It will be the third clash between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich. On September 14, the entertainer will venture back into the ring - for good reason!

And he is said to have plenty of new hot topics up his sleeve for his channel: According to the German newspaper, for example, a music show is being planned that will look like a mixture of Raab's "Bundesvision Song Contest" and "The Masked Singer".

The newly founded Raab Entertainment GmbH, behind which Raab himself and Daniel Rosemann, former head of ProSieben and Sat.1, stand, has also had the rights for Internet broadcasting entertainment (class 41) protected by the German Trademark and Patent Office, according to "Bild". This also speaks in favor of Raab's streaming plans.

Raab back "just for this one fight"
Whether there will be more Raab-in-action content after the boxing match against Halmich is questionable, however. Rumor has it that the entertainer will once again work exclusively behind the scenes. This is also supported by Halmich's statement: "Stefan will definitely only come back for this one fight."

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