Marilyn showed the way

These stars wear seductive cone bras

26.03.2024 08:00

Cone bras are known for their static yet feminine shape and have always been it-girl pieces worn by stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Madonna. Nowadays, the garment is back in fashion and sexting the catwalks and red carpet.

When Marilyn Monroe started wearing the cone bra in the 1950s, there was a lot of excitement. It was the first version of a push-up bra and the most popular it-piece of the time.

Madonna also caused a sensation in the 90s with a pink satin cone bra specially designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Stars love the cone bra trend
Now the hot vintage trend is celebrating a comeback - and what a comeback it is! At the Grammys, for example, pop star Miley Cyrus wore a breathtaking golden mesh dress with a chest area reminiscent of the trendy cone bras.

Miley's voluminous hair also caused amazement and was probably a tribute to her godmother Dolly Parton.

Beyonce also appeared in a sexy black and white outfit by Balmain with a cone bra. The pop icon looks simply stunning in this trendy look!

Cone bras - mega trend on the catwalks
The major fashion houses have now even declared the look a megatrend for the Fall/Winter 2024-2025 shows.

Jean-Paul Gaultier focused on both dark designs with the typical cone-bra shape and more feminine designs in the coquette style.

Balmain is also celebrating the sexy trend in its Fall/Winter 2024 collection.

The trendy cone bra adds sex appeal to every look in show business and is one of the trendiest pieces of the year - but the lacy cone bra is probably not suitable for everyday wear.
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