Curious process

When the guardian angel rides along in the glove compartment

13.03.2024 15:06

A 65-year-old ex-convict who has been "in criminal retirement since 2006", as he says, threatened a driver with an animal repellent because he stole his parking space. According to his assessment, the match ended 1:1.

There really are better ideas than trying to visit the outlet center in Parndorf on a Saturday before Christmas, when free parking spaces are as common as elephants in the Pannonian Plain.

Opponent came against the one-way traffic
"I wanted to fulfill my wife's wish," says the 65-year-old, who, after searching in vain for half an hour, discovered a space. From the other side, against the one-way lane, "a car sped along at an incredible speed", as the pensioner recounts, and parked the vehicle "in my parking space". "I had to brake hard, otherwise it would have crashed into me."

And honestly: who wouldn't be incensed by this action?

Pepper spray under the Christmas tree
The only thing is: very few of us have a Guardian Angel animal repellent in our glove compartment, which releases pepper spray when fired and looks like a pistol. "The thing was there because I hid it from my wife. I wanted to give it to her for Christmas because she had already been robbed once."

With his guardian angel at the ready, the Viennese asked the Serbian to drive out. He then stood behind the car and was hit. Enraged, he kicked the car several times, leaving dents.

A case for the Heitere District Court, right?

A classic draw
No. The man accused of aggravated coercion and damage to property has 18 entries on his criminal record, he served 18 years in prison for attempted murder and is banned from carrying weapons. However, the last offense dates back to 2006. "He drove into my shins. I kicked the door - 1:1", says the pensioner, who no longer wants to overreact.

Sentence: Eight months conditional, 960 euro fine - accepted!

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