Lieferando protest

“We will certainly not be silenced”

12.03.2024 18:00

Lieferando employees protested for better wages in Linz on Tuesday. The union is fighting for an 8.7 percent pay rise. "If nothing changes, we will go on strike", says Klaus Eschlböck from vida.

I'm not afraid of losing my job. I've worked here for five years and always received the same salary. I have a daughter. It can't go on like this." Michael Tadesse is saying what probably every one of the ten or so Lieferando employees who came to the company headquarters in Stelzhammerstraße in Linz yesterday after the works meeting with the vida trade union was thinking: too little pay for hard work.

"From now on, I'll have to make do with my tips"
"I've been driving since December, but if I get better opportunities elsewhere, I'll take them. I really enjoy doing this job, getting exercise in the fresh air. But when it snows or rains, the work is hard. My wage is only enough for two weeks. From now on, I have to get by on my tips," says Mariana Vasyliuk.

A job that's fun? Only if the pay is right. (Bild: © Harald Dostal / 2024)
A job that's fun? Only if the pay is right.

"Can no longer afford to live"
"We started with 2.5 percent, but thanks to works meetings we're now at 5.8 percent, and that's not even enough to cover inflation, which the employees are entitled to. The bike messengers can no longer afford to live, so we as a union are saying no. If nothing changes, we will go on strike," says Klaus Eschlböck, vida Upper Austria regional secretary.

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We are at 5.8 percent. That's not even enough to cover inflation. If nothing changes, we will go on strike

Klaus Eschlböck, Landessekretär der vida

And the regional chairman of the union, Helmut Woisetschläger, is also combative. "We will certainly not be silenced." The company management says: "The requested increase of 8.7 percent alone would drive up personnel costs to an impressive 19 euros per hour. Customers would not accept the necessary price increases".

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