Warming room helps

When money is no longer enough to live on

11.03.2024 11:20

People in housing need meet at the Wärmestube, 25 percent more this year than last year. Many of them are employed, but can no longer afford many things in life. The "Krone" was on site for an inspection and had many interesting conversations.

The sky over the provincial capital is cloudy and many people are taking advantage of the mild weather to go for a walk. The Caritas warming room in Dinghoferstraße is also very busy. Although you can't tell from looking at the visitors that they are homeless or at risk of becoming so, the "Krone" editor immediately catches their eye. "I'm sure she wants to see you," says a man to manager Klaus Schwarzgruber and continues to queue for food.

There are lots of men there
A hot meal costs 50 cents - an offer that has been increasingly popular recently: While an average of 89 people a day came to the warming room in December 2022, the following year it was 108 - mainly men. "More people are coming who are working. They have to save on food to be able to afford the apartment," says Schwarzgruber. There are showers and lockers at the back of the facility where homeless people can lock up their belongings.

People on the street are helped. (Bild: Dostal Harald)
People on the street are helped.

Everyone here has their own personal story
It's quieter here, Roland (43) from Linz is sitting alone at a table, crumbling a slice of bread into a stew. He seems withdrawn, but then wants to tell his story: "I've been unemployed since November 2022, before that I worked as an electronics technician for 26 years. Since my operating costs have risen massively, I've been coming here to eat". After alcohol detox, he is trying to find a job again, but "the gap in my CV doesn't make it any easier". A photo? No way - having to come here is not something you like to reveal.

Editor Andrea Kloimstein spoke to visitors in the warming room (Bild: Einöder Horst)
Editor Andrea Kloimstein spoke to visitors in the warming room

Anyone who breaks the rules is banned from the house
Suddenly an argument breaks out among the visitors, but the manager of the warming room is quick to settle it. Anyone who doesn't follow the rules is banned from the premises, but the police are rarely needed. Many of the people here have mental health problems or are addicts. Although the consumption of alcohol and drugs is strictly forbidden in the warming room, these substances are part of the reality of life.

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The minimum pensioner also comes to us when there is not enough money left for food at the end of the month.

Klaus Schwarzgruber, Leiter Wärmestube

Alcohol is often to blame
Stefan (53) also says that he has lost everything to alcohol. He moved from Bavaria to Upper Austria 28 years ago. What happened then? He thinks about it, remembers relationship problems and "that I started drinking at some point". He is currently homeless and usually stays at the train station. He comes to the warming room not only to get warm, but also "to hide away and have some peace and quiet". This year, the facility is celebrating its 30th anniversary.

If you would like to help, sleeping bags and sleeping mats are always needed and can be handed in on site during opening hours (Wed, 2.30 to 6 p.m., other days 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

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