Should remain visible

200-year-old fountain discovered near Linz Landhaus

08.03.2024 12:35

The seat of the Upper Austrian state government in the old town of Linz stands on historic ground. It is therefore not surprising that a fountain was uncovered during renovation work, which probably belonged to the old Minorite monastery. Similar to the stone arch bridge under the forecourt, the fountain is also to be made visible.

Klosterstraße and the Minoriten church, which are still located on the site between the Promenade and Linz's main square, still bear witness to the spiritual past of today's seat of government - a Minorite monastery was once housed here. An abandoned fountain from this period has now come to light during renovation work in an inner courtyard of the Landhaus.

Rich history
Even before the friars built their monastery on this central site in 1717, there were three residential buildings from the late Middle Ages. However, the history goes back much further - ceramic shards dating back to the 13th and 14th centuries - i.e. between 600 and 700 years old - were also discovered during the work.

Visible to everyone
Just like the stone arch bridge discovered 16 years ago on the promenade, the fountain and the numerous finds are now to be made accessible and visible: "We are bringing history to life and making it tangible!" says a delighted Governor Thomas Stelzer.

Search continues
However, the archaeological work of the specialist company ARDIS is currently paused, as a false ceiling is being removed first. But then the well will also be excavated further. Because such wells - especially abandoned ones - have always been used for waste disposal and it is therefore quite possible that some long-forgotten treasures from the distant past still lie dormant beneath the Linz Landhaus.

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