Before the DFB Cup final

Foda: “You never forget that for the rest of your life”

25.05.2024 08:24

Leverkusen want to win the double against Kaiserslautern today. Franco Foda won the legendary cup in Berlin with both clubs. "You never forget that for the rest of your life."

From Starek to Pezzey, Wohlfahrt and Herzog to Alaba (four times) and Sabitzer - many ÖFB players have already won the DFB Cup. But when Leverkusen try to secure their first double in the final in Berlin against second-division Kaiserslautern today (8pm, live on ServusTV), the closest person emotionally and as an expert will be an Austrian by choice: Franco Foda.

"For the statistics"
"I was invited by both clubs," says our former team boss. Because Foda has already won the trophy with both clubs and is officially a three-time cup winner. "Maybe for the statisticians", but the 1997 title with Stuttgart doesn't count for him. "I did score the decisive penalty in the quarter-final, but I moved to Basel in the winter."

His real triumphs in Berln were formative:

  • 1990 as vice-captain with Lautern 3:2 against Werder. "We were underdogs and led 3-0 after 30 minutes," said Foda. "At home, 50,000 fans were waiting for us on the Betzenberg. That was impressive."
  • And in 1993, as Leverkusen captain, Foda was the first to lift the trophy after a final 1-0 win against the amateurs (!) of Hertha BSC Berlin. Prior to that, the then libero had cost Frankfurt coach Stepanovic his job with a 3-0 win in the semi-final. "And then he sat on our bench in the final," smiled Foda. "You don't often experience that."

Unique atmosphere
Even three decades later, Foda can remember almost every detail. "You don't forget that for the rest of your life. You live for winning this title." Berlin, the DFB Cup - it simply has its own appeal. "The atmosphere in the city on the final day is unique. The stadium is divided, 35,000 fans each, a special flair. For decades," Foda enthuses about the spectacle in the Olympic Stadium.

Where the ÖFB team will also play Poland and the Netherlands at the EURO. A legendary arena. Similar to Wembley, where Foda's men narrowly failed to reach the European Championship round of 16 in 2021. "There's no comparison, it was coronavirus back then," says the former team boss. "We'll have completely different support in Berlin. It will be unique. "Neutral guest of honorHe himself has already bought tickets for the Holland game. Before that, he will watch the Romanians - now in his role as Kosovo's team boss.

Favorite Leverkusen
And today? Foda, who has already coached Kaiserslautern, is neutral. It was only on Wednesday that Leverkusen's historic unbeaten streak came to an end in their 52nd (!) game in the Europa League final. "But if nothing extraordinary happens, they'll win the double," said Foda. "Lautern can play freely. A lot is possible in one game." Especially in the final. Especially in Berlin.

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