From April 14 to 21

Bird Experience: all about the birds

12.04.2024 16:00

8 days of guided tours, workshops and evening lectures. Whether you're an amateur ornithologist or a professional birder, there's something for everyone at the Bird Experience (BEX) in and around Illmitz.

Tomorrow at 5.30 pm, the Bird Experience, BEX for short, begins with a lecture at the Rosenhof in Illmitz. The title: "Reedsounds - bird espionage in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl". Afterwards, Harald Grabenhofer and Arno Cimadom will talk about saving the soda larks. The excursions start on Monday morning. Here, for example, you can visit the Great Bustard in the Hanság, see the soda larks in the wild or visit the hoopoe with its typical "Wuup wuup" call.

The geese already have offspring - even earlier than normal. (Bild: Charlotte Titz)
The geese already have offspring - even earlier than normal.
Cormorants are also not uncommon (Bild: Charlotte Titz)
Cormorants are also not uncommon

Workshops, lectures and excursions are on the program for the whole week. You can find out exactly what is on offer at The exhibition opens on Friday. Here, birdwatchers, photographers and nature enthusiasts will find everything they need to know about the Lake Neusiedl - Seewinkel National Park and the birds that live and migrate here. "The Bird Experience is a fixture for many ornithologists every year," says National Park Director Hannes Ehrenfeldner. "Thanks to the good conditions for birdwatching, the BEX is sure to be a complete success once again." The fair will take place at the lake area in Illmitz. This year, there will also be the option of taking a shuttle bus directly from the information center or the parish center to the lake and back again.

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