
“U-turn in migration policy”

14.03.2024 13:30

In the "Rainer Nowak Talk", communications consultant Heidi Glück and economist Monika Köppl-Turyna discussed volatile political times and possible solutions with the NEOS leader

The leader of the NEOS has published a book - in the midst of volatile times. The title is "Wendepunkt". Beate Meinl-Reisinger spoke to "Krone" super editor Rainer Nowak on this topic. "The established parties have no strategies and are only fighting defensive battles. They are only concerned with themselves. Just staying in power and working off the political enemy. People are fed up with that. I've also dealt with this in my book."

Heidi Glück recalled parallels to the times of Jörg Haider, when the grand coalition pursued a blockade policy. It is similar today. "The population no longer trusts politicians to find solutions. That's also the reason why people like Marco Pogo or the communists are suggesting that we do things differently. Look, we do things differently. And they also seem younger and fresher. The established parties lack that."

"Betrayal of the young"
Economist Monika Köppl-Turyna, Director of Eco Austria, saw the cause in the coronavirus crisis. Since then, there have always been acute problems. Including war and inflation. Demography is a big issue. There are no solutions here. "You have to address unpopular truths"

Meinl-Reisinger also talks about the intergenerational contract. It has been broken, "it is a betrayal of the young. We also need to raise the retirement age". Köppl-Turyna assisted. "We are still retiring far too early given the steady increase in life expectancy. It is important to recognize this. The old system cannot cope with this." She cited Denmark as a role model, where they faced the same problem decades ago but reacted. Today, they are in a much better position.

"The party is over"
Nowak wanted to know how reforms could be implemented in a possible government with the larger parties. "We will have to do many things. The party is over. People no longer have any money. Intergenerational development no longer exists. We can no longer run up debts at the expense of the next generation."

"I'm happy to take a beating for it"
They also discussed opportunities for women (keyword: poverty in old age), or "federalism and federalism and federalism". Intervention is urgently needed here, which Meinl-Reisinger does not believe the ÖVP and SPÖ or the Blue Party are capable of.

The ÖVP-affiliated consultant Heidi Glück encourages the Pink Party in its efforts and hopes that others will act in the same way. The economist also states that now, in view of the crisis and recession, solid reforms are needed to counteract this.

Meinl-Reisinger: "And then what remains of Chancellor Nehammer's speech on the future is gendering. That is pathetic." Heidi Glück commented that there was a loss of discourse in Austria, including a language culture that was "going down the drain".

Meinl-Reisinger: "I am a simple-minded person. I want clear rules. But when people say they don't want to discuss things, I don't understand. Also when it comes to security. I am in favor of a uniform European solution. Not for NATO." In any case, it is clear that neutrality is of no use if you are alone. "I advocate honesty in the discussion. I'm happy to take a beating for that."

"Leave the field to the right-wing populists"
The emotional topic of migration was also discussed. Rainer Nowak indicates a certain shift among the NEOS. "That's right. If we carry on like this, we'll just leave the field to the right-wing populists. We need to rethink our current migration policy." Asylum procedures outside Europe are needed. But this must not be symbolic politics. It must be a European solution. Here, the NEOS leader is in line with the ÖVP.

She also advocates "asylum procedures in third countries. However, these must be carried out in a humane manner. As the EU or UN, we would also have to help organize this."
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