Animal companionship

How important pets are for a healthy life

17.04.2024 06:00

Doctor on four paws: People with an animal by their side live healthier lives. Our furry friends give us unconditional love, keep us fit, prevent loneliness and make us happy all round. They reduce the risk of heart attacks, diabetes, dementia and strokes.

Animals are the best of friends, they don't ask questions and they don't criticize," Mark Twain once said. More and more Austrians share this opinion: a total of around two million cats, 766,000 dogs and around 508,000 small animals live in Austrian households. Balm for the soul: people who count their pets as part of the family are said to be happier and more content than those without pets.

Pets usually have the status of a fully-fledged family member and for some are even a kind of substitute for children: they sleep in the bed, wear designer collars and the gourmet food consists of only the best ingredients. Some even have their own Instagram account: "petfluencers" is the name given to these social media stars. Be it rabbits, cats, dogs, wombats or capybaras - there is hardly an animal species that is not represented online.

Insights into the everyday lives of furry friends are very popular on social media. (Bild: Nitiphonphat/
Insights into the everyday lives of furry friends are very popular on social media.

Dog walker instead of couch potato
Dogs and humans have lived together for thousands of years. There is hardly any other animal with which there is such an intimate relationship. It differs significantly from other pets - because when it comes to socializing, no other four-legged family member is as competent. A dog is loyal, people-oriented, ideally subordinate and enjoys working and playing together.

People also seem to live healthier lives with a dog by their side: For masters and mistresses, there is hardly anything better than walking through woods and meadows with their four-legged friends. The fact that they can also leave the house in bad weather naturally benefits their health. Dogs can make a significant contribution to reducing obesity, stress and high blood pressure.

They are also said to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and protect against heart attacks, diabetes, dementia and strokes - this was published in a medical journal by an international team of doctors from the American Heart Association. Their conclusion: physical activity through daily walks is relevant for health, as lack of exercise is the number one risk factor for many diseases.

For dog owners, there is hardly anything better than taking their four-legged friend for a walk through the woods and meadows. (Bild: upixa/
For dog owners, there is hardly anything better than taking their four-legged friend for a walk through the woods and meadows.

According to the WHO, most dog owners achieve the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week. Dogs are good for the heart and even keep it beating for longer: Scientists were able to prove that dog owners have a better chance of recovery after a heart attack: 94 percent of heart attack patients had survived after one year, compared to only 72 percent of other test subjects.

They also prevent allergies and strengthen the immune system: our pets inevitably bring bacteria into the house. These include characteristic germs that are rarely found in dog-free households. There is therefore also a connection between having a dog in the house and a reduced risk of allergies, US biologists report in the specialist journal "Plos One".

However, this also applies to cats: Children who live with a cat from the start are said to have a more stable immune system and are less likely to suffer from a cat hair allergy later on than their peers without a velvet paw. Four-legged colleagues are also increasingly moving into offices. Dogs have been proven to improve the working atmosphere, reduce stress levels and promote communication between colleagues.

No matter whether big or small: animals can increase our well-being. (Bild: nadezhda1906/
No matter whether big or small: animals can increase our well-being.

But it's not just the "Krone" editorial team that is leading the way when it comes to dog-friendly offices. Even at large companies such as Xing, Trusted-Shop and Amazon, four-legged colleagues have long been allowed. Google" also sees itself as a "dog company" and describes its affection for its canine friends as an integral part of its corporate culture.

In the best of company - whether dog or hamster
Pets can also make a significant contribution to improving self-confidence. Above all, they protect against loneliness and exclusion, as our offspring usually prefer to confide their problems to Woofi & Co. rather than talk to adults about them. In some schools, presence dogs have been proven to increase motivation to learn in the classroom.

The patient teachers on four paws train social skills such as consideration and empathy and have a calming and concentration-enhancing effect. The fact is: pets influence our psyche and make us more resistant to stress. Stroking animals is also good for us humans: their soft fur, big eyes and sweet appearance stimulate our caring behavior.

Stroking stimulates happiness hormones, relaxes our hearts and relieves anxiety. (Bild: Evrymmnt/
Stroking stimulates happiness hormones, relaxes our hearts and relieves anxiety.

The cuddle hormone oxytocin is responsible for this feeling of well-being, which is released (on both sides) when people and their pets touch each other and make eye contact. Just looking at them relaxes us: this deactivates areas of the brain that are responsible for emotional stress. The field of research that deals with the interaction between humans and pets is called anthrozoology.

Scientists are investigating how proximity to animals affects our health. They have come to the conclusion that their healing influence can be proven on various levels. The mere presence of an animal lowers blood pressure and reduces the heart rate. After just a few minutes of stroking fur, the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol decreases.

A non-speaking therapist
Animals can stimulate memories of childhood, evoke positive feelings and have a cognitive stimulating effect. This is also confirmed by psychotherapist Doris Zöser. She regularly takes her therapy dog "Elli", a Labradoodle, to her practice in Mödling: "Elli is used selectively in a clinical context. This means that we get to work together.

She loves it because she knows it's about her and senses when someone is sad. It's like a bridge that sometimes makes feelings possible that would otherwise remain buried." The presence of animals is also enriching for older people: "Elli satisfies the need for touch and physicality that they lack in everyday life. It's particularly nice to see with patients suffering from dementia, where animals bring back positive memories.

The four-legged friends are very popular in both retirement and nursing homes. (Bild: Yakobchuk Olena/
The four-legged friends are very popular in both retirement and nursing homes.

Aggressive behavior is reduced - they become calmer and more relaxed. Some can even remember the therapy dog". In care homes, patients are more interested in social interaction when animals are present. For some residents, physical activity is increased or food intake is improved.

Animals as a haven of peace
The book "How animals make us healthy" by Dr. Rainer Wohlfarth and Bettina Mutschler talks about the healing proximity of horses: riding is a way of seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist. It is clear that horses have a special effect on us humans. People are at peace with themselves when they are with their horse.

Riding therapy is a special method. Martina Wütherich has maintained a partnership with the "Zukunftsschmiede", a facility for inpatient psychotherapy in Pressbaum, for 15 years, where she offers therapeutic riding and riding for the disabled with three of her horses.

"How animals make us healthy" by Dr. Rainer Wohlfahrt and Bettina Mutschler. btb Verlag. (Bild: btb Verlag, Krone KREATIV)
"How animals make us healthy" by Dr. Rainer Wohlfahrt and Bettina Mutschler. btb Verlag.

Wohlfarth and Mutschler: "Animals embody the moment, the here and now: they bring structure to everyday life, especially when the carousel of thoughts starts up again, they bring you back to reality very quickly. They can become a vanishing point and a haven of peace in a life that has become so technical and organized. We look for emotional security, a sense of belonging and psychological relaxation.

If this is not fulfilled, we experience a state of not being complete, which often leaves us feeling empty, sad and meaningless. This is where being with animals can be a kind of feel-good place that fulfills our needs particularly well. "Stroking stimulates happiness hormones, relaxes our hearts and relieves anxiety."

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