Now investigated

17-year-old stabbed with a knife after an argument

22.03.2024 20:00

Another knife attack after a dispute. On March 14, two groups of teenagers and young men got into an argument in Linz (Upper Austria). Suddenly, one of the boys pulled out a knife and stabbed them. He has now been arrested - he is only 17 years old.

It was at 0.10 a.m. on March 14 when the police were informed that a person had been stabbed in Kreuzstraße in Linz. At the scene, the victim, a 25-year-old Syrian who had been stabbed in the upper body, was first treated by his friends and attended to by the ambulance and emergency doctor.

Dispute at the Bim station
According to witnesses, a group of young people had previously been mobbed by a group who happened to be getting off the streetcar. After a brief argument, one of the boys suddenly stabbed the 25-year-old Syrian. He apparently didn't notice the injuries at first and pursued the attacker with his friends towards Bernaschekplatz, but lost sight of them. The 25-year-old then collapsed. A search for the perpetrator by several patrols was unsuccessful.

Perpetrator was tracked down
Intensive investigative work by detectives from the Linz City Police Department made it possible to identify the initially unknown perpetrator. A 17-year-old Syrian man entitled to subsidiary protection is suspected of having deliberately and seriously injured the 25-year-old by stabbing him with a kitchen knife about 20 centimeters long. On Friday, the boy was arrested with the support of the Rapid Intervention Group and detectives from the Linz City Police Department.

Not confessing
During a voluntary search of the room, the jacket worn on the night of the crime was found. The murder weapon could not be recovered. The 17-year-old did not confess. He was taken to Linz prison.

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