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Why lions of the heart offer new perspectives

24.05.2024 05:50

The Lions Club Horn has a lot of charisma, and its charity projects are attracting more and more interest and supporters. Master optician Andrea Hahn from the Waidhofen an der Thaya district is now also providing special support for collections for poorer countries.

The Lions Club Horn is seeing more and more successes and partners in its charitable projects. The club is the current winner of the "Krone" Herzensmensch campaign. It has been involved in the international parent club's glasses recycling agenda for three years and has already collected more than 12,000 pairs of glasses.

Cleaned, prepared, measured
These are sent to the "Brillen Weltweit" association in Germany, where they are prepared, measured and finally packaged and labeled. From there, the optical aids are then sent to poorer countries. The Lions Club collects 2000 pairs at a time and then sends them to Germany in a collection package.

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The glasses would otherwise be thrown away. In this way, they help people who can afford neither visual aids nor surgery. They now have the chance of education and better employment.

Löwensprecher Gottfried Stark

More and more collection points
The campaign is already expanding from Horn to the Waldviertel. Whether clinic, doctor or municipal office - more and more collection points are being opened. "By recycling them, we protect the environment, as the glasses would otherwise just have been thrown away. Above all, however, we are helping people who can neither afford vision aids nor surgery. They now have the chance of education and better employment," explains Löwen spokesperson Gottfried Stark.

The glasses are refurbished in the local branches (Bild: Molnar Attila)
The glasses are refurbished in the local branches

Special help from a master optician
Master optician Andrea Hahn, who runs two United Optics branches in Waidhofen an der Thaya and Groß Siegharts, has now even found a colleague who refurbishes the glasses in her branches herself, thus relieving the burden on the German association. "Of course, you can also hand in glasses that you didn't buy from us," says Waidhofner branch manager Martin Zeindl, inviting customers to donate to a good cause.

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