Jonas Mayrhofer

“The EU offers many opportunities for young people”

27.05.2024 10:15

Jonas Mayrhofer, regional chairman of the Students' Union, talks about his role in the Students' Union, the upcoming EU elections and the upcoming #klartext event in an interview with "Krone".

"Krone": How did you come to join the Pupils' Union and your position?

Jonas Mayrhofer : When I was in third grade at HAK Bregenz in 2020/21, I was elected school spokesperson. Shortly afterwards, someone from the pupils' union approached me and asked if I would like to run for the regional pupils' union. I did and was then deputy state school spokesperson for vocational secondary schools. I've been a member of the provincial board of the Pupils' Union since 2022, and provincial chairman since August 2023.

Does the Chairman of the Students' Union still go to school at all?
No, I graduated last year in May and am now studying business administration in Liechtenstein. But after being one of the most experienced officials, I decided last summer to take on the role for a year - that's how long the term lasts - and to get new young people interested in our causes.

What are the concerns of the Students' Union?
Above all, we are committed to education policy. In contrast to our competitors, we are less concerned with socio-political issues and do not organize demonstrations and the like. Our three pillars are action, service and representation. We therefore run for the state and federal student councils, manage the school law emergency call and organize seminars, action days and exchange ideas with politicians, so that motions are also repeatedly submitted to parliaments.

Jonas Mayrhofer believes that there is still room for improvement in the central school-leaving exam. (Bild: Wenzel Markus)
Jonas Mayrhofer believes that there is still room for improvement in the central school-leaving exam.

You are involved in education policy - what are your concerns?
I think this is going to be quite a long interview (laughs). We mainly focus our work on the sixth form, as we all come from this area. The voluntary oral Matura, for example, is the result of an initiative by the Students' Union. A major issue is still the recognition of dyslexia and dyscalculia and a uniform assessment of these weaknesses. The central Matura still needs some reforms. Just this year we saw again that the AHS Matura was relatively difficult, while the BHS Matura was easier. And there must be standardized forms. It can't be that some people write on a piece of paper and others on a PC.

The Students' Union's biggest event, #klartext, takes place on Tuesday at the Festspielhaus. How much work is behind it?
We started organizing the location and the speakers months ago. Every party running in the EU elections will be represented. However, there are two exceptions. DNA, which decided to run in the EU elections at short notice, will not be represented. However, "VOLT", whose representatives have decided not to stand as candidates, will be there.

The #klartext event is all about the EU elections in June. (Bild: EXPA/Michael Gruber)
The #klartext event is all about the EU elections in June.

Is it worth the effort? Are there even that many young people interested in politics?
The event was sold out within 24 hours and 1600 pupils will be there. But it is true that the whole thing is relatively complex and, at 25,000 euros, also somewhat expensive. We have been somewhat accommodating with the rent for the Festspielhaus, but it was still difficult to find sponsors. Many people turn away when it comes to politics - even though we don't belong to any party as a student union.

How does #klartext work?
There is no list of questions, but two discussion rounds. In the first, three topic blocks are selected at random and the audience is also involved. In the second part, there will be yes and no questions, plus somewhat more provocative topics and, at the end, more questions from the audience.


On Tuesday, May 28, the #Klartext panel discussion of the Students' Union will take place in the Bregenz Festival Hall. 1600 pupils will be there to listen to the representatives of all the parties standing in the EU elections. More information via Instagram: @klartext_suvo

What is the aim of the event?
We want to encourage young people to exercise their right to vote. First-time voters should get an impression of the candidates and the content that the individual representatives stand for.

Why should people go to the polls in the first place?
I am of the opinion that the right to vote was not fought for in vain. Voting means participating democratically. It is important that all people in society and of all ages make a statement with their vote. Not everyone is equally informed, but everyone should vote for what they believe in. The EU election this time - it may sound trite - is really a directional election.

Are you a convinced European?
I think it's good that the importance of the EU is being talked about everywhere. For young people, the EU is not only the biggest peace project, but also offers many opportunities. Erasmus, internships abroad, free borders... You have to think about whether you want to continue to have this. In Vorarlberg in particular, whether Austria is part of the EU or not is also decisive in terms of economic policy.

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read the original article here.

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