Mountain rescue team deployed

Hiker ran out of courage: group was rescued

26.05.2024 08:00

Three German alpinists got into mountain distress on Saturday in Ehrwald in the Tyrolean Außerfern. A woman (20) initially slid several meters down a snowfield on the mountain hiking trail. A short time later, the hike ended at a passage that was secured with a steel cable. The mountain rescue team had to rescue the three hypothermic hikers.

The three German friends from the Upper Bavarian district of Weilheim-Schongau, aged between 20 and 23, had set off on a hike to the Knorrhütte in the Wetterstein mountains at around 12 noon. On their way, they had to cross several snowfields, gravel gullies and muddy sections.

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On one passage, which was secured with a steel cable, the 20-year-old no longer dared to continue.

Die Polizei

A 20-year-old woman slipped on one of the snow fields and slid around 15 meters into the depths. Fortunately, she was able to hold on to the snow. A companion climbed down to her and helped her back onto the path.

A short time later, however, the hike was over for the three Germans. The reason: "At a passage that was secured with a steel cable, the 20-year-old no longer dared to continue," said the police.

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The rescued persons were flown to the Ehrwald mountain rescue team's operations room, where they were given blankets and warm drinks.

Die Polizei

Their companions then made an emergency call. The crew of the police helicopter was able to locate the three alpinists and rescue them using a rope.

Rescued slightly hypothermic
"The rescued persons were flown to the Ehrwald mountain rescue operations room slightly hypothermic, where they were provided with blankets and warm drinks," said the police. Ehrwald Mountain Rescue, a police helicopter and the Alpine Police were deployed.

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