Generation change

Tyrolean mountain rescue with a new management team

26.05.2024 10:00

There has been a change at the top of the rescue organization. Ekkehard Wimmer is the new regional director. As a novelty, Kathrin Puelacher is the first woman to join him as deputy.

After three terms and nine years as regional director, Hermann Spiegl (68) did not stand for re-election at the regional assembly in Villa Blanka on Saturday. He wanted to initiate a generational change. His deputies, LH Anton Mattle and Stefan Hochstaffl, were also no longer standing for election by the representatives of the local branches.

The representatives of 89 out of 91 local branches were present at the provincial assembly. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
The representatives of 89 out of 91 local branches were present at the provincial assembly.

However, it was not the regional director who was elected directly, but the entire regional management team. Two groups were in the running: One around Ekkehard Wimmer from Walchsee or the Kufstein local branch and a team around Bruno Berloffa, the local branch leader of Innsbruck Mountain Rescue.

Election decision was quite clear
The delegates then made a fairly clear decision. Team Wimmer received 55 votes and Berloffa 34 (there were only 89 local stations present).

Hermann Spiegl (left) and LH Anton Mattle were a well-rehearsed management duo of the Tyrolean Mountain Rescue Service for many years. (Bild: Birbaumer Johanna)
Hermann Spiegl (left) and LH Anton Mattle were a well-rehearsed management duo of the Tyrolean Mountain Rescue Service for many years.
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I will now devote myself to my real hobby: Restoring old English motorcycles.

Hermann Spiegl, ehemaliger Landesleiter Bergrettung Tirol

"I have to get a grip on myself now," said the new regional director Ekkehard Wimmer (45) shortly after the result was announced. "We have come together as a team and will work together as a team," he emphasized in an interview with the "Krone". All areas would be divided up so that they could be managed. There are three deputies for the regional director - including Kathrin Puelacher, the first woman in second place.

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I was often able to be the connecting link between the districts and local offices and the link to the country.

LH Anton Mattle, ehemaliger Landesleiter-Stv. Bergrettung Tirol

Office as a service facility
Wimmer wants to further establish the mountain rescue office in Telfs as a service facility and allow it to work independently. Training is to be strengthened and the mountain rescue service is to remain financially secure in the future. Wimmer, previously Finance Officer, is very familiar with the finances.

The new regional management of the Tyrolean Mountain Rescue Service:

  • ProvincialDirector: Ekkehard Wimmer, Kufstein/Umgebung branch, previously Finance Officer and BM of Walchsee
  • 1st Deputy Provincial Director: Peter Haidacher (former District Director of the Kitzbühel district)
  • 2nd Deputy Provincial Director: Kathrin Puelacher (St. Jodok am Brenner branch)
  • 3rd Deputy Provincial Director: Valentin Schiessendoppler (Innsbruck branch, previously member of the Medic training team)
  • Financial Officer: Maximilian Riml (Sölden local branch, previous branch manager)

Driving digitalization forward
The previous "head of mountain rescue" Hermann Spiegl took stock: "We have implemented a lot. However, it will be necessary to push ahead with digitalization in order to relieve the local offices." LH Anton Mattle looked back positively on 15 years as Deputy Provincial Director: "I was often able to be the connecting link between the districts and local units and the link to the country."

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